Ari Archer 4afd9bed3a
Push local changes (check description)
- Found more bugs
- Added more TODOs
- Added more functionality to `do`
- Fixed README
- Bump version
- Implement drafts
- Escape sequences in messages are now supported
2021-12-13 19:06:56 +02:00

22 lines
638 B
Executable file

set -ex
echo Checking and formatting with black...
black --check .
echo Python type checking...
mypy arigram --warn-redundant-casts --warn-unused-ignores \
--no-warn-no-return --warn-unreachable --strict-equality \
--ignore-missing-imports --warn-unused-configs \
--disallow-untyped-calls --disallow-untyped-defs \
--disallow-incomplete-defs --check-untyped-defs \
--disallow-untyped-decorators --pretty --show-traceback \
--no-warn-unused-ignores --follow-imports=error --namespace-packages
echo Checking import sorting...
isort -c arigram/*.py
echo Checking unused imports...
flake8 --select=F401